Wednesday, October 9, 2013


My favorite weekend of the year rolled around and then quickly past - yet again! Yes my friends, I could only be talking about OysterFest. I am already anticipating next year, but in the meantime I thought I would share of few highlights from this year's festivities.

The barbecued oysters are the favorite every year. Thrown on a grill until they pop, then covered in garlic butter sauce, they kill. We happened to overhear the recipe this year: four cups butter and half a jar of garlic. Now that's my kind of recipe!

The line for the barbecued oysters was so long that Nick slipped out of line while I saved our place, to grab some bacon-wrapped oysters. As you can see we're no purest, and doused those suckers in plenty of habanero sauce. We sure regretted that choice the next fifteen minutes we spent in line with our lips burning!

Speaking of Nick, his shirt was a big hit. Find it at Taylor Shellfish in Melrose Market.

Best new addition to the menu this year? The oyster mushroom pizza. Also one of my favorite brick oven pizzas of all time! Still thinking about it.

The crowd gearing up for yet another heat of the oyster shucking contests. If you want to see some hands fly - and maybe a little blood! - this is the most intense minute of your life. Each contestant shucks two dozen oysters, and man, is it insane! The best restaurants in town are all represented, but the Leon's sweep every year. 

The best part of the oyster shucking contests are waiting around until the judging has been completed. At this point the shucked oysters come back out and are free for the taking! There is nothing like an oyster on the half shell shucked by the quickest and best hands around. A word to the wise: the presentation shucking contest on Sunday goes down a little smoother than the speed shucking contest on Saturday, if ya know what I mean. Either way, you need to be quick. Look what happen to the two dozen oysters on the plate in only the time it took me to get the lens cap off of my camera!

Until next year, OysterFest. Signed your most ravenous fan, Natasha.

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